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Ram Janarthan

Leaf it on the Road

fiction2 min read

Leaf 1

Bang! An explosion of colors, with no discernable start or end. They blend together seamlessly, as though they were created in one smooth stroke. The crevices are subtle, but seem to encode a message of something greater. Something that carries weight, something that matters.

Leaf 2

As is often the case, a little perspective helps illuminate this picture. The colors begin to fade, almost ironically, into the earth. A stick here, a stalk there, and we could be anywhere in the visible universe.

Leaf 3

Now don’t go off wondering into space, screams Leaf. A pattern emerges, and it's now apparent what the source of the splendid array of colors was. This simple, formidable plant appendage, that has long been severed from its whole. But how did Leaf create such an illusion? Perhaps it came from Self, in a tragic realization of every true artist’s ultimate dream, to give up oneself to make the artifact.

Leaf 4

It seems like Leaf mustered all that it had left, to leave one last impression. One last hurrah. In a bid to separate itself from the rest, to become the Chosen One. Mighty impressive to see, especially considering the visceral image of all the would-be’s just in the background. The sheer strength required to not only stand out from the rest, but to also still remain to receive recognition.

Leaf 5

As Tree looks on however, smug in its monochromatic visage, it's a deadly reminder of how short-lived victories can be. Leaf wonders whether it was all worth it, to spread its wings right when it was in its prime, and sacrifice itself for something greater. After all, that’s what it's all about, isn’t it? This was what has been talked about for generations, the ultimate goal. To feel a part of the Eden, to finally be real. Is this real?

Leaf 6

Or is this just a carefully assembled ensemble for some guy’s artsy internet blog?

Leaf 7

I guess we’ll never know. Better to just leave it all out there, than to wonder what if.

This story was written as part of my "Be Creative" challenge, where I have 30 minutes to go on a walk and take pictures of things of interest, and 30 minutes to craft a story inspired by them. It was inspired by my neighbourhood of River Valley, Singapore. The smell of wet mud was in the air, after a quick spell of rain.